I help exhausted people get their energy back naturally, so they can stop being overwhelmed by life and do more of what they love!
I am here to listen to your health journey and help you stop chasing your symptoms and find the root of what is causing you to feel like trash.
I use lab tests and real data to find hidden stressors that are causing imbalances in your body. I suggest diet and lifestyle changes to support your body to restore its balance so you can heal.
Your body does not lie. Your symptoms are real; you are not making them up. Your body wants to be well. I trust your body’s innate wisdom.
90 minute session
Review intake forms
7 day food journal
Individualized diet & lifestyle recommendations
1 month email support
3-6 months
Extensive intake
2 lab tests*
Individualized diet, lifestyle & supplement recommendations
3 follow-up sessions
1 year of complete diet & lifestyle transformation
Extensive intake
5 lab tests*
Individualized diet, lifestyle & supplement recommendations
Supplement discounts
Monthly follow-up sessions
Hi, I’m Amy and I know what it is like to be exhausted.
I’m not just talking about tired from a poor night’s sleep or a hard workout. I mean absolutely exhausted, all. the. time. I was so tired that I felt like I needed to lean against the wall and take a nap while walking from my desk to the bathroom. I struggled to stay present in conversations and focus on a task. The last time I could remember feeling rested and energetic was high school, maybe? I was honestly too tired to remember.
I saw a lot of doctors and a few nutritionists. I was diagnosed with anemia, so I tried more iron. I was diagnosed with depression, so I took an antidepressant. I tried more sleep, then I tried less sleep. I tried more caffeine, then no caffeine. I tried supplements. I tried more exercise, then less exercise. I tried elimination diets. Nothing helped. I was still so. damn. tired. Now I was also feeling hopeless.
I had chronic sinus congestion, painful periods, I was bloated and gassy. I dreaded getting out of bed in the morning because I already knew my day was going to demand more from me than I had to offer. Forget making decisions or dreaming of an exciting life, I was too overwhelmed by all the things I had to do to just survive.
I am now enthusiastic about getting out of bed in the morning. I enjoy doing hard things. I am able to stay present in conversation and I make plans with friends on weeknights. I am no longer anemic, depressed, congested or gassy.
what changed?
I started seeing my body as my friend and strongest ally who is always doing her best to keep me alive.
I stopped seeing my symptoms as hindrances that needed to be suppressed and began listening to them as messages from my body that things have to change.
I have learned how my past and present environment and foods I was eating were toxic to my body.
I have exchanged harmful habits for helpful ones and my body is healing, my creativity is expanding and I am loving life.
Now I help exhausted people have more energy so they can be less overwhelmed by life and be a better parent, partner and friend. I would love to work with you and help you get your life back!
In health and wholeness,
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner
I stopped seeing my symptoms as hindrances that needed to be suppressed & began listening to them as messages from my body that things had
to change.